What To Do If Your Fridge Water Tastes Like Plastic

One of the most common complaints about refrigerator water is that it tastes like plastic. This can be a result of the materials used to make the fridge, or it could be due to something in the water itself. In this article, we will learn more about why fridge water tastes like plastic and how to prevent it.

It’s important to check your fridge water if it tastes like plastic because it could be contaminated. If you’re using ice cubes from the fridge, they could also be contaminated. This can happen if the fridge isn’t clean or if the water filter needs to be changed. Checking the water will help you determine if you need to take action to clean the fridge or change the filter.

Cause For Fridge Water Tastes Like Plastic

There are many potential causes for water from the refrigerator to taste like plastic. One possibility is that the water filter needs to be replaced. Another possibility is that the water line connected to the refrigerator has become contaminated with bacteria, which can cause a plastic-like taste. If the problem persists, it is best to contact a plumber or other professional for help in resolving the issue.

It’s also likely due to the materials used to make your fridge. Some plastics can leach chemicals into the water, which can give it a plastic taste. If your fridge is new, try running some water through the filter to remove any manufacturing residues. If your fridge is older, make sure that the gasket around the door is sealing properly and that there are no cracks or holes in the body of the fridge where water could be coming into contact with plastic.

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If you have a fridge with a water dispenser, start by flushing out the system. Pour a gallon or so of water into the dispenser and let it run through until it comes out clean. You can also try running some distilled vinegar through the system to help remove any build-up that might be causing the plastic taste.

If your fridge doesn’t have a water dispenser, you can still try flushing the system by running water through the door line. Open the freezer door and place a catch basin under the waterline. Turn on the water and let it run for a few minutes until it comes out clean.

If you’ve tried flushing the system and the plastic taste persists, there may be something in your water itself that’s causing the problem. If you have a home water filter, check to see if it needs to be replaced. You might also want to have your water tested for contaminants.

If you can’t seem to get rid of the plastic taste in your refrigerator water, consider using a different water source for drinking and cooking. Bottled water or filtered water from a pitcher are both good options.

fridge water tastes like plastic

How To Prevent Plastic Taste From Fridge Water

You can do a few things to prevent fridge water from tasting like plastic. First, make sure that your fridge is clean and free of any manufacturing residues. Second, run some distilled vinegar through the water dispenser or door line once a month to help remove any build-up that might be causing the plastic taste. Finally, consider using a different water source for drinking and cooking. Bottled water or filtered water from a pitcher are both good options.

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If your fridge water tastes like plastic, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem.

First, check to see if the materials used to make your fridge could be leaching chemicals into the water. If so, try running some water through the filter to remove any residues.

Second, make sure that the fridge is properly sealed and that there are no cracks or holes where water could be coming into contact with plastic.

Finally, if you have a fridge with a water dispenser, try flushing out the system by running water through it until it comes out clean. If the problem persists, consider using a different water source for drinking and cooking.

Fridge Having Bad Odor

If your fridge has a bad odor, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem.

First, check to see if the food that you’re storing in the fridge is causing the smell. If so, try to remove the offending food and clean the area where it was stored.

Second, make sure that the fridge is properly sealed and that there are no cracks or holes where odors could be coming from.

Finally, try cleaning the fridge with a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. This will help to remove any build-up that might be causing the bad smell.

fridge water tastes like plastic

Cleaning Fridge Water Dispenser

Cleaning your fridge water dispenser is important for maintaining a clean and safe household. Here are simple steps to follow for cleaning your fridge water dispenser:

1. Unplug the refrigerator from the power outlet.

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2. Remove the water filter, if your refrigerator model has one.

3. Use a clean cloth to wipe down the outside of the water dispenser, removing any dirt or debris.

4. Fill a bowl with equal parts white vinegar and warm water.

5. Submerge a clean cloth in the vinegar solution and use it to clean the inside of the water dispenser, being sure to reach all nooks and crannies.

6. Rinse the vinegar solution away with clean water.

7. Dry the inside of the water dispenser with a clean cloth.

8. Replace the water filter, if applicable.

9. Plug the refrigerator back into the power outlet.

10. Run water through the dispenser for a few seconds to flush out any remaining dirt or debris.

These simple steps will help you keep your fridge water dispenser clean and safe for your family.


There are many reasons why fridge water may taste like plastic. It could be due to the materials that make up the fridge itself, or it could be due to something that has been stored in the fridge. If you’re concerned about the taste of your fridge water, it’s best to consult with a professional to find out the source of the problem. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to improve the taste of your fridge water, like using a filter or storing it in a clean container.

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