What To Do If Your Fridge Stopped Working Then Started Again

If your fridge stopped working then started again, you may be wondering what you should do. This can be a confusing and frustrating situation, but don’t worry – we’re here to help! In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common causes of fridge malfunctions, as well as what you can do to troubleshoot them. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent your fridge from breaking down in the first place.

Common Causes Of Fridge Malfunctions

One of the most common causes of fridge malfunctions is blockages in the airflow. If your fridge isn’t getting enough air, it can cause the compressor to overheat and eventually break down.

Another common problem is a dirty condenser coil. This part of the fridge helps to cool the air inside, but if it’s covered in dust and dirt, it won’t work as efficiently. In some cases, you may need to replace your condenser coil entirely.

Finally, one other potential issue could be a failing defrost timer. This component controls the amount of time that your fridge spends in defrost mode, and if it’s not working properly, it can cause your fridge to run less efficiently and eventually break down.

If you’re having trouble with your fridge, it’s best to call a repairman to take a look. However, if you know what you’re doing, you may be able to fix the problem yourself. Just be sure to unplug your fridge before you begin any repairs.

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fridge stopped working then started again

Fridge Stopped Working Then Started Again

If your fridge has stopped working and then started again, it may be due to a power surge or power outage. If this is the case, you should check your circuit breaker or fuse box to see if there has been a power outage in your area. If there has been a power outage, you will need to wait for the power to come back on before your fridge will start working again.

You can also check to see if there is power going to the fridge. If the fridge is plugged in but not getting power, try resetting the circuit breaker or replacing the fuse. If there is power going to the fridge but it still won’t turn on, the problem may be with the thermostat. Try adjusting the thermostat to see if that gets the fridge working again. If none of these solutions work, you may need to call a refrigerator repair technician.

Refrigerator’s Thermostat

If your fridge is turning off and on again, it’s likely that the thermostat is set incorrectly. The thermostat controls how often the compressor runs, so if it’s set too low, the compressor will cycle on and off more frequently than it should. This can lead to the fridge turning off before it has a chance to cool down properly, which can spoil food and cause other problems.

To fix this, simply adjust the thermostat to a higher setting. This will cause the compressor to run less often, giving it a chance to properly cool down the fridge. If you’re not sure what setting to use, start with a higher setting and slowly lower it until the fridge seems to be running correctly.

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Power Outage

A power outage can be a major inconvenience, especially if it causes your fridge to malfunction. If your fridge is not working properly, it can spoil food and cause other problems. Here are some tips for dealing with a power outage:

If possible, move food to a cooler or another cold location. This will help keep food from spoiling.

Throw away any food that has been sitting out for more than two hours.

Do not open the fridge door too often. Every time you open the door, warm air enters and speeds up the spoilage process.

If you have a generator, use it to power your fridge. This will help keep food from spoiling.

These tips can help you deal with a power outage and keep your food from spoiling. If you have a generator, be sure to use it to power your fridge. This will help keep food from spoiling.

Maintaining Your Refrigerator

Your fridge is one of the most important appliances in your home, so it’s important to keep it running smoothly. Here are a few tips on how to maintain your fridge:

1. Clean the interior and exterior of your fridge regularly. Use a mild soap and water solution to clean the inside, and a damp cloth for the outside.

2. Check the door seal regularly to make sure it’s clean and free of debris. A dirty or damaged door seal can cause your fridge to work harder, which will use more energy and increase your utility bills.

3. Make sure the coils on the back of your fridge are clean and dust-free. Dirty coils can cause your fridge to overwork and wear out prematurely.

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4. Keep the area around your fridge clean and free of clutter. This will help ensure proper airflow and prevent your fridge from working harder than necessary.

fridge stopped working then started again

Cleaning A Dirty Condenser Coil

1. First, you will need to disconnect your air conditioner from the power source. You can do this by either unplugging it from the wall or turning off the circuit breaker that supplies power to it.

2. Next, you will need to remove the access panel from your air conditioner. This will give you access to the condenser coil.

3. Once you have removed the access panel, use a soft brush or vacuum attachment to remove any dust or debris that may be on the condenser coil.

4. After you have removed all of the dirt and debris from the condenser coil, use a garden hose to rinse it off. Make sure that you are using a gentle stream of water so that you do not damage the coil.

5. Once you have rinsed off the condenser coil, use a clean cloth to dry it off.

6. Finally, replace the access panel and reconnect your air conditioner to the power source.


In conclusion, it is important to maintain your refrigerator in order to keep it running properly. This includes cleaning the interior and exterior regularly, checking the door seal, and making sure the coils are clean. Additionally, keep the area around your fridge clean and free of clutter. Following these tips will help ensure that your fridge lasts for years to come.

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