Lg Refrigerator Error Code Er 1f: Common Causes And Solutions

The LG refrigerator error code er 1f is a common error code that indicates a problem with the refrigerator’s defrost system. There are a few possible causes for this error code, and some simple solutions that may solve the problem.

Keep reading to learn more about the LG refrigerator error code er 1f and how to fix it.

What does The 1F Or IF Error Code Means On An LG Refrigerator?

The 1F or IF error code on an LG refrigerator indicates a problem with the refrigerator’s defrost system.

This error code can be caused by a few different things, such as a faulty defrost heater, a defective defrost thermostat, or a clogged drain pan.

green and pink plastic container

1F Or IF Error: Causes And Solutions

This problem has a few possible causes. With each cause, there is a simple solution that may solve your refrigerator problem.

  1. Faulty defrost heater- The most common reason for this error code is a faulty defrost heater. The defrost heater is responsible for melting the frost on the evaporator coils. If the defrost heater is not working properly, it can cause the frost to build up and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to replace the defrost heater.
  2. Defective defrost thermostat- Another possible cause for this error code is a defective defrost thermostat. The defrost thermostat regulates the temperature of the coils and turns the defrost heater on and off. If the thermostat is not working properly, it can cause the frost to build up and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to replace the defrost thermostat.
  3. Clogged drain pan- Another possible cause of this error code is a clogged drain pan. The drain pan collects water that drips from the coils during the defrost cycle. If the drain pan is clogged, it can cause the water to build up and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to clean out the drain pan and make sure it is not blocked.
  4. Refrigerator not level- If your refrigerator is not level, it can cause the water to build up and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to level the refrigerator.
  5. Door gasket damaged- If the door gasket is damaged, it can cause the fridge to leak cold air and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to replace the door gasket.
  6. Evaporator coils are frozen- If the evaporator coils are frozen, it can cause the fridge to work harder to cool and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to thaw the coils.
  7. Fan not working- If the fan is not working, it can cause the fridge to overheat and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to replace the fan.
  8. Thermostat set too low- If the thermostat is set too low, it can cause the fridge to work harder to cool and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to raise the thermostat setting.
  9. Dirty condenser coils- If the condenser coils are dirty, it can cause the fridge to overheat and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to clean the coils.
  10. Damaged compressor- If the compressor is damaged, it can cause the fridge to overheat and eventually cause the error code. The solution is to replace the compressor.
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If you are experiencing the LG refrigerator error code er 1f, there are a few possible causes and solutions.

How To Reset An LG Refrigerator Unit?

If your LG refrigerator is displaying an error code, there are a few steps you can take to reset the unit.

  1. Unplug the fridge for 30 seconds to reset the electronic controls.
  2. Check that the fridge is level and that the door gasket is sealing properly.
  3. Inspect the evaporator coils and clean them if they are dirty.
  4. Inspect the condenser coils and clean them if they are dirty.
  5. Check that the fan is working properly.
  6. Raise the thermostat setting if it is set too low.
  7. Replace the compressor if it is damaged.
  8. Call a repairman if you cannot find the cause of the error code.

How to Put an LG Refrigerator in Test Mode

The 1F or IF error code on your LG refrigerator indicates that there is a problem with the freezer section of your fridge. This code is usually caused by either a faulty defrost heater, thermostat, or clogged drain pan.

If you have recently made repairs to the freezer section of your fridge, it is important to test the unit to make sure the repairs were successful.

To test your fridge, unplug it and then plug it back in. Then open the freezer door and listen for the fan to come on. If the fan does not come on, this could be a sign that the repairs were not successful.

You should also feel the coils in the freezer section to see if they are cold. If they are not cold, this could also be a sign that the repairs were not successful. If you are still getting the 1F or IF error code after making these repairs, you may need to call a repairman.

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How To Use Automatic Test Feature?

Some LG refrigerator models come with an automatic test feature that can be used to diagnose problems with the unit. To use this feature, press and hold the “Refrigerator” and “Freezer” buttons at the same time for five seconds. The fridge will then go through a self-diagnostic mode and may display an error code if there is a problem.

If you see the 1F or IF error code during the test, this indicates that there is a problem with the freezer section of your fridge.


LG doesn’t cover LG  refrigerator repair under warranty unless it’s for a defective part. If your fridge is displaying the 1F or IF error code, there are a few possible causes and solutions.

You can try resetting the unit, cleaning the coils, or raising the thermostat setting. If these solutions do not work, you may need to call a repairman.

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