How do You Install a 60 Gallon Air Compressor?

In today’s world, who doesn’t want the ease at working when everything can be operated automatically! For the comfort of mankind, the inventions of various luxurious technologies have upgraded human life so much.

Now, the age of the invention of human comforts has surpassed through the innovation of a much economical way of that same thing.

Which represents the presence of air compressors in the workplace instead of sophisticated electronic devices. An air compressor can carry the same amount of tasks as an electric source of energy but in a much cost-saving way.

And, this brought us to the installation guide of the same thing for the best of your use.

With all that being said, today, you will know the installation of a 60-gallon capacity air compressor for your desired workplace.

What Are the Criteria For Installing a 60-Gallon Air Compressor?

Before selecting the air compressor and anything else, you need to have a clear idea of the criteria for that. Which is to say, there are five essential factors that every air compressor user should follow to attain the desired yield.

Five of the factors are the HP, CFM, PSI, duty cycle, and the tank volume of the air compressors. The criteria mentioned above are all you need to quickly consider the capacity, load, and power of the air compressor that you need for your tools and workplace.

A depth description of the criteria are:


Horsepower can generate 550 IBS of energy per foot at a single flash. The more is the HP of an air compressor, the higher amount of tools it can backup. A 3.7 HP of air compressor can power multiple numbers of devices at a time. And this value is applicable in the case of a 60-gallon air compressor.

If you are someone who doesn’t have access to really higher power operating tools, then you don’t need a high HP air compressor. That would be a waste of money, energy, and a total system loss.

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Cubic feet every minute

The dependency of the tools on the air compressor is based on this value. The higher the CFM demand of any device, the more energy is required for your air compressor. Higher energy demand in the case of air compressors means a more in number in the machine’s tanks.

Pressure every square inch

The value of PSI should be matched according to the need of CFM of your pneumatic tools. The amount of pressure exerted by the compressor should not exceed the pneumatic tools needed.

The average pressure is rounded between 90 PSI for all those auto-repair tools and most air pressure-powered objects. This value is applicable in the case of a 60-gallon air pressure compressor.

The compressor’s duty cycle

The selection of the type of compressor also depends on the same duty cycle. This factor has a significant effect on what amount of gallon you should select for your air compressor.

The duty cycle of the air compressor is holy dependent on the stage at which it runs. With that being said, the compressor is further divided into more sections, including a one-stage, two-stage, and multi-stage compressor.

All three stages represent different duty cycle that includes a single time compression for one-stage compressor and extended performance for multi-stage.

The higher the duty cycle, the more is the efficiency and performance of the air compressor, and the greater demand on the gallons.

Tank volume

Last but not least, the tank volume indicates the number of gallons your air compressor needs to run. The tank volume is also dependent on the user’s environment and workload.

For more excellent energy consumption tools, the requirements in the tank volume also increase drastically. The higher the tank volume, the greater is the capacity of the air compressor to keep powering the tools.

Lower tank volume requires frequent reloading for powering the tools by compressing more and more air. When the tank gets empty, a lack of pressurized air makes the air compressor ineffective and applies more tension to the machine.

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So, a higher amount, just as a 60-gallon air compressor, is enough to run more than a single tool at a time without any problem. The operation is also carried out at a faster and continuous rate.

How Do You Install a 60-Gallon Air Compressor For Your Workplace or Home Garage?

Now that you have got all the correct criteria for your selection of 60-gallon air compression, it becomes time to discuss its installation process.

Installation of the air compressor is more of a complex process which requires a lot of conditions, some of which are:

Step 1: The first and foremost aspect of installing a 60-gallon air compressor is the selection of a good space. It would help if you always went for an area more significant than the amount that an air compressor will occupy.

Step 2: Considering the size of all those tools with your 60-gallon air compressor, so your machine doesn’t fail while operating everything in the workplace.

Step 3: The perfect length should be ensured in the case of the hose to have suitable fittings and not to run loose during the operation.

Step 4: The next most important thing is to place the whole air compressor system in an isolator pad. Please read the instruction manual thoroughly for the steps of putting it on the pillow.

Step 5: You can put your air compressor into a test by plugging it into the surrounding outlet and thus activating the pneumatic tools. If the tools get started, then your air compressor is fit and ready for further installation. The process may seem lengthy to you, but it is essential for preventing an error installation that can ruin the whole process.

Step 6: It would help if you were extremely careful in choosing the hose as the wrong sizing will not do any good. If the hose is longer than necessary, it will create an obstacle in your working place for which a 50ft hose is used for a residential type garage. Also, make sure the hose can withstand a 150 PSI rate to prevent hose damage.

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Step 7: Adding beneficial features like a dryer is extremely helpful as it prevents the air compressor from any interruption. That includes protection against moisture, water, oil, debris, fluids, and so on.

Step 8: Air compressor for a more crowded and is packed workplace needs extra facilities and features to fit there. If you are a DIY person, then a 60-gallon air compressor is all that you should prefer at your workplace for the best sort of output.

Step 9: Only a high-power air compressor like the 60 gallons cannot work all alone in your entire garage. It would help if you also had some extra setup to incorporate the processing very ideally. If circling the tons of vehicles in your garage and dragging the hose of your air compressor towards then becomes inconvenient, the additional setup will come in handy.

Step 10: For the installation of the additional setup, first of all, connect a Tee extension of metal with a two feet longboard. Attach the board with the truss at a connection of vertical angle. Make sure the connection point is high enough.

Step 11: Make sure they attach the AirNet copper to the outlet directed with the air compressor. Then, you can give the final touch by connecting every fitting of the vehicles to the outlet, and thus, the process can be accomplished in a much effortless way.

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