GE Refrigerator Ice Maker Reset: How To Do

If GE Refrigerator Ice Maker Reset is a dilemma for you then this guide is certainly for you. If you have a G.E refrigerator, you’ll notice that the ice maker has a light on it. If this light is flashing that means something was wrong with the ice maker, and it needs to be reset.

In order for you to fix this issue, you’ll need to perform a few steps in order for you to have a functioning ice maker again.

Important Safety Considerations

Before you begin to fix anything on your GE refrigerator ice maker you’ll need to make sure that the refrigerator is unplugged from any power source. This will ensure that you don’t get shocked when working on the ice maker.

Step 1: Unplug The G.E Refrigerator

To begin fixing your GE refrigerator ice maker, the first thing you’ll need to do is unplug the refrigerator from any power source. Once the refrigerator is unplugged, you can now move on to the next step.

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Step 2: Locate The Ice Maker Reset Button

The next step is to locate the ice maker reset button. This button is usually located behind the ice maker, and it’s usually silver in color. Once you’ve located the reset button, press and hold it in until the light stops flashing.

Step 3: Plug-In The Refrigerator

The next step is to plug your refrigerator back into a power source. Now turn your refrigerator back on, and check to see if the ice maker is working again. If the ice maker is still not working, you’ll need to repeat steps 1-3.

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GE Refrigerator Ice Maker Reset

If your GE refrigerator ice maker is having issues and the light on it is flashing, there are a few steps that you can take to fix this issue.

1. Adjust the Feeler Arm

The feeler arm is the black plastic piece that hangs down from the ice maker. If this is not in the correct position, the ice maker will not function properly. The arm needs to be in the “up” position for the ice maker to work.

2. Press the Reset Button Clean the Ice Maker

If the ice maker is dirty, it will not be able to function properly. Use a mild detergent and warm water to clean the inside of the ice maker. Be sure to remove any debris that may be blocking the ice maker from working.

Ice maker overfilling can be a common problem. Wipe off the ice maker control arm and make sure that it isn’t stuck.

3. Turn on the Water Supply

The water supply needs to be turned on in order for the ice maker to function. It is located at the bottom of the refrigerator, and you should be able to turn it with your hand.

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4. Verify that the Power Cord Is Plugged In

The power cord may have come loose, which is why your ice maker isn’t working properly. Check the cord to see if it is connected properly.

5. Restart the Refrigerator

If you’ve tried all of the previous tips but your ice maker is still not working, you may need to restart the refrigerator. This will clear any software outages that could be preventing your ice maker from functioning properly.

Tips for Resetting Different Ice Maker Brands

If you have a different type of ice maker, the process for resetting it may be different. Here are some tips on how to reset different brands of ice makers:

  1. Kenmore Ice Maker: Press and hold the “reset” button for 5 seconds.
  2. Whirlpool Ice Maker: Press and hold the “test” button for 5-10 seconds, or until the indicator light blinks.
  3. Samsung Ice Maker: Unplug the refrigerator and wait 10 minutes before plugging it back in. This should reset the ice maker.
  4. GE Ice Maker: Try unplugging and then plugging your refrigerator back in, as this may help to reset the ice maker.

Temperature Considerations

One factor that can prevent your ice maker from working properly is the temperature of your freezer. The ideal freezer temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit, so if your freezer is set to a higher temperature, it could be why your ice maker isn’t working.

Be sure to adjust the temperature of your freezer and wait 24 hours to see if the ice maker begins working again.

Have None Of These Tips Worked?

If none of these tips have worked to help you reset your ice maker, you may need to replace it. Reach out to a professional appliance repair service in order to get help with replacing your ice maker.

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Frequently Ask Questions: GE Refrigerator Ice Maker Reset

Is there anything else that I can do if my ice maker is not working properly?

Yes, you can try adjusting the feeler arm, cleaning the ice maker, turning on the water supply, or ensuring that the power cord is plugged in. If none of these tips work, you may need to replace your ice maker.

Alternatively, you can contact a professional appliance repair service for help with replacing or repairing your ice maker.

What should I do if my reset button is not working?

If your reset button is not working, you can try unplugging and then plugging your refrigerator back in. This may help to reset the ice maker.

Alternatively, you can reach out to a professional appliance repair service for help with fixing or replacing your ice maker.

How do you manually fill an ice maker with water?

To manually fill an ice maker with water, you’ll need to locate the water inlet valve. This is usually located behind the refrigerator. Once you’ve located the valve, open it up and allow water to flow into the ice maker.

You may need to use a funnel to help guide the water into the ice maker. Allow the ice maker to fill up with water, and then check to see if it’s working properly.

How do I unclog my ice maker water line?

To unclog your ice maker water line, you’ll need to locate the valve where the water flows into the ice maker. Once you’ve located this valve, loosen it with a wrench and allow any debris or blockages that may be inside of it to drain out.

After clearing this debris, tighten the valve back up and test your ice maker to see if it’s working properly.

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